The Booster Club serves to support athletic programs at Sacred Heart. All parents are invited to participate in Booster Club activities. Contact the school office for details.
Support hours are a key component of our philosophy of parental involvement at Sacred Heart Catholic School. Each family is responsible for participating in the Support Hours program. This collective effort helps Sacred Heart accomplish our goals with limited resources, while also encouraging meaningful involvement of parents in the education of their children.
Each family enrolled in Sacred Heart Catholic School will be responsible for one of the following: Completion of 33 (3 of which must be for the bazaar, prior to or during the bazaar) support hours per school year. Sacred Heart School must be the direct beneficiary of the services rendered.
OR a family may make a $660 support payment.
Each family is responsible for documentation of the support hours and turning them on the school app or to the office (statement). The office will give each family a receipt so that there will be no misunderstanding or loss of hours. If there are serious discrepancies or questions about a family's hours, please contact the school office. There are many opportunities to volunteer in events that directly benefit Sacred Heart School. These include, but are not limited to:
Although there are other lay and liturgical events that are not recorded as support hours, your participation is encouraged. Some examples include: Vacation Bible School, First Communion, Confirmation, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Brownies. It will be the responsibility of the school to inform you of support program opportunities through school notes, the school website, and principal's bulletins. We have always enjoyed quality parental involvement in the school. Your continued support and cooperation as we work together will make Sacred Heart School the finest it can be.
Sacred Heart Email Prayer Ministry is designed to be a prayer ministry of prayer support for our children/grandchildren, the students, the staff, administration, priests and deacons at Sacred Heart School.
The Sacred Heart Prayer Ministry facilitator will send out a weekly prayer ministry email prompt each week you can use to pray during the week. This weekly sheet will be emailed each week at the beginning of the week when the students are in school. * No prayer emails when students are on breaks. The email will come from Praying.Knights through mailchimp. You can unsubscribe at any time.
We have NO IN-PERSON MEETINGS. All correspondence is done through email.
This ministry consists of SH parents, grandparents, and staff members who receive a weekly email. We pray for our school, the staff, our students as well as our own children and grandchildren while school is in session.
If you are not already receiving these emails click here to join.
If you prefer to pray in person along with other moms and grandmothers, Moms in Prayer International might be for you. Moms and grandmothers get together weekly to pray in prayer group called Moms in Prayer International:
For more information, contact one of the women below, or check out the MIPI website at